原文轉自JEASON MA牧師網站。
Dear Bros and Sis in Christ,
I have a very urgent and special prayer request. For nearly 2 months now I have not announced publicly, even to my prayer team to protect the confidentiality of the fragile situation I am about to tell you. In February the Holy Spirit led me supernaturally to a special young man named "Edison Chen." He is a famous pop star in Hong Kong and China who recently this year was involved in a internet sex scandal that received worldwide attention. My heart broke for this young man when I heard the news. I prayed for him to find the love of God and the forgiveness that is offered through Jesus Christ. I also prayed that God would use this situation for greater good, somehow to redeem and bless the youth and families of Asia. Through a series of divine circumstances in February God brought me to Edison, I shared the Gospel and God's personal prophetic word to him and Edison gave his life to Christ. His heart was genuine, his repentance was true, and I was so happy to see a new brother find God's forgiveness, mercy and grace. God truly loves Edison. The days after, many others in his family and circle of friends came to know Christ. It was a supernatural experience, that only God could orchestrate.
Yesterday night, I found out that one of the largest secular magazines in Hong Kong/Asia had caught wind of Edison's conversion and wrote a front page story on our friendship. I was very much in shock to hear about this because I had not spoken about this publicly for nearly 2 months. I was more surprised when my contact in Hong Kong told me the article was 100% positive, shared about my own conversion experience, my personal ministry and how Edison is starting a new life and new path in Christ. Honestly, when I heard this news knowing that millions all over Asia would read this uplifting article and possibly find Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, I wept.
I wept with joy for Edison and all the millions in Asia who have been negatively effected by the sin & immorality that was spread. I knew God was restoring Edison, a prodigal son who had returned to his heavenly Father. I wept, because God spoke to me when I met Edison that He would bring greater good from this scandal than evil. That what Satan meant for evil, God would turn for good. I am thankful to God because I know millions who read this magazine will see that God has forgiven Edison Chen and all the victims, showing them His love and mercy. Therefore, those who read this article after realizing that God has forgiven Edison, will also realize that Jesus can forgive their sins and give them hope for a new life in Christ. Please pray that God uses this testimony to bless the masses with the power of the Gospel. Good News is spreading in Asia, Jesus died on the cross and resurrected on the third day so our sins could be forgiven and anyone who believes in Him will not die, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Now I ask you for prayer. Edison Chen, the Victims and myself need your prayers more than ever before.
Please pray for Edison Chen and others...
1. Pray for protection from media pressure: There is a lot of pressure with an public article like this to perform as a Christian. Please pray that people realize Edison and others who have become Christian are still a work in progress. As I am a work in progress myself. No one is perfect, we are all human and we all need love and forgiveness. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but to trust in His mercy and grace. Pray that God would protect this story and situation against gossip, accusation or deception, but only the truth of Jesus Christ would continually be uplifted in the media.
2. Please pray millions of Christians around the world would pray for Edison, his family, the victims to be strengthened in faith, comforted and restored to be a testimony to society in a positive way. Pray that the many victims of this situation would also find faith and forgiveness in Christ.
3. Pray that many who read this article and story would be saved. Pray that those who read this testimony of Edison's repentance and faith in Christ, my own personal testimony will realize that God loves them also, that they can be forgiven of their sins and have a new life in Jesus Christ. Pray as they realize God has forgiven Edison, He will also forgive them.
4. Pray that my family and I would be a great testimony for Christ. Please pray that God would protect and help me and my family in America and Hong Kong to be good witnesses for Christ. I am returning to Hong Kong in May for ministry and I need God's wisdom in how to talk about this story to others so that they see Christ and not me or anyone else. May He keep me, Edison and all others humble, so that we decrease but Christ would increase.
5. Ask God to turn what was meant for evil into good. Pray that through this scandal, that greater good would come out of this than evil. Pray that millions will be inspired, touched and put their faith in Jesus Christ across the world. This scandal was probably one of the biggest news stories in Asia in the last decade, many were adversely affected, but God now can turn the tide and bring hope and healing to all the world and turn tragedy into triumph!
Lastly, I just really want you all to keep this low key and simply "pray" if you read this. Pray for Edison, he is like a brother to me. I love him and he has a good heart. Many people will try to ridicule or doubt what has happened, but it doesn't matter because I know him and he is not only truly repentant, but he is doing his best to become a better man, change his ways, and live for God. He is a good person. We all make mistakes. I urge the public who reads this, judge not or you will be judged as the Bible says. Forgive Edison, the victims and ask God to forgive your own sins, because none of us are perfect and we all need Jesus forgiveness. Edison is a good man, God loves him, knows his heart is truly sorry and will restore him to be a great role model in society. I know it, I have faith not only for him but for all who are affected by this. Pray for Edison's spiritual restoration. Because t's not easy, Edison, his family, his friends and myself are all God's work in progress and we need prayers, patience, mercy and grace from everyone to not point the finger, gossip or anything else, but to simply pray asking God to make us more like Christ each day and to be a testimony for Him in this generation. May God receive all the glory in this.
Below is the magazine article. God is faithful. Please pray right now for God's will to be done. Thank you!
Under the mercy,
For anyone who read this blog post and you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, but you want to know Him. You want to repent and be forgiven of your sins then read what the Good News of Jesus is all about here
耶穌真的很酷 。
Jeason MA也很酷。
- May 01 Thu 2008 00:41
【Pray for Edison Chen, Me and the World 】